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Nach "A Predent of the Galaxy" veröffentlichen Love Machine "CIRCLES" im Frühjahr 2016 auf Tonzonen Records.
Auf ihrer zweiten LP begibt sich die Düsseldorfer/Kölner Band weiter auf die Reise in die Unendlichkeit des Kosmos und in die Tiefen der menschlichen Seele.
""CIRCLES" handelt von Schwerkraft, Rotation und Zeit - dem ewigen Werden und Vergehen im Universum und zwischen den Menschen auf Erden.
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The second album by the Krautrock heroes to be released on CD for the very first time!
In 1977, German prog legend STREETMARK recorded the second album "Eileen", which became a "perfect synthesis of elements of electronic rock, classic, hard rock, and radio and symphonic sound collages". It was the second collaboration with Conny Plank, who was behind the mixing console for the final sound. "Eileen" was s a huge step forward for STREETMARK but, despite the success, singer Wolfgang Riechmann left the band to play his solo album "Wunderbar" also for Sky Records.
1969 formed in Düsseldorf, STREETMARK stirring up the German Rock scenery. They signed a record deal with Hamburg Sky Label in 1975 and in October of same year the band (cast at that time: Dorothea Raukes (Keyboards, vocals), Hans Schweiß (drums), Georg Buschmann (vocals), Thomas Schreiber (guitar) and Wolfgang Westphal (bass)) met in the studio to record the debut album. „Nordland“ which has been published 1976 and received warm acceptance at the usually reluctant magazine SOUNDS („..a mixture of baroque keyboard twirls and cool jazzy fooling..“). With the Beatles Coverversion of „Eleanor Rigby“ the album had a veritable club hit. The degree of popularity raised tremendously, despite of that they seperated from Buschmann and Westphal and instead hired Wolfgang Riechmann (vocals) and Manfred Knauff (bass). With this new cast STREETMARK recorded the second album „Eileen“ in 1977, which presented itself as a complete synthesis out of elements from electronic rock, classic, hardrock, as well as funk and symphonic sound elements. Also in foreign countries the band received notice. The British New Musical Express for example discovered some similarity with NEU! as well as with progressive bands like CAMEL. Again despite of this raising success Wolfgang Riechmann together with drummer Hans Schweiß left the band to record his solo album „Wunderbar“, also for Sky Records. It happened that due to a tragic coincidence Riechmann 1978 for no reason has been attacked by hooligans in the old town of Düsseldorf and has been injured by a knife so heavy that he passed away due to this on August 24th.
With the cast Dorothea Raukes, Thomas Schreiber und Bogdan Skowronek, and the help of guest bass player Jürgen Pluta, the band returned to the studio, under direction of Conny Plank, to record album number three. The music turned out to be extremely eager and diversified. Strong electronic and progressive rock influences, melodic, nearly orchestral passages, and with „Lovers“ an enormous danceable scenehit. The future of the band looked very bright but again the cast-carousel was turning …
Parallel to that, hard working Dorothea Raukes published her solo album "Deutsche Wertarbeit", on which she used her visuell impressions of a German journey and turned them into an impressive electronic sound-world.
1981 the last tour of STREETMARK took place, where for the last two gigs guitar player Thomas Schreiber joined the band. Founding member Bernd Schreiber joined all recordings and also live concerts, as sound engineer . After finishing this tour also the head of the band, Dorothea Raukes, returned into civil life.
1990 Sky Records published "Dreams" which was a „best of“ of the last three vinyls but this remains the last sign of life from STREETMARK for long years. But nevertheless, this band has not been forgotten!!
In 1977, German prog legend STREETMARK recorded the second album "Eileen", which became a "perfect synthesis of elements of electronic rock, classic, hard rock, and radio and symphonic sound collages". It was the second collaboration with Conny Plank, who was behind the mixing console for the final sound. "Eileen" was s a huge step forward for STREETMARK but, despite the success, singer Wolfgang Riechmann left the band to play his solo album "Wunderbar" also for Sky Records.
1969 formed in Düsseldorf, STREETMARK stirring up the German Rock scenery. They signed a record deal with Hamburg Sky Label in 1975 and in October of same year the band (cast at that time: Dorothea Raukes (Keyboards, vocals), Hans Schweiß (drums), Georg Buschmann (vocals), Thomas Schreiber (guitar) and Wolfgang Westphal (bass)) met in the studio to record the debut album. „Nordland“ which has been published 1976 and received warm acceptance at the usually reluctant magazine SOUNDS („..a mixture of baroque keyboard twirls and cool jazzy fooling..“). With the Beatles Coverversion of „Eleanor Rigby“ the album had a veritable club hit. The degree of popularity raised tremendously, despite of that they seperated from Buschmann and Westphal and instead hired Wolfgang Riechmann (vocals) and Manfred Knauff (bass). With this new cast STREETMARK recorded the second album „Eileen“ in 1977, which presented itself as a complete synthesis out of elements from electronic rock, classic, hardrock, as well as funk and symphonic sound elements. Also in foreign countries the band received notice. The British New Musical Express for example discovered some similarity with NEU! as well as with progressive bands like CAMEL. Again despite of this raising success Wolfgang Riechmann together with drummer Hans Schweiß left the band to record his solo album „Wunderbar“, also for Sky Records. It happened that due to a tragic coincidence Riechmann 1978 for no reason has been attacked by hooligans in the old town of Düsseldorf and has been injured by a knife so heavy that he passed away due to this on August 24th.
With the cast Dorothea Raukes, Thomas Schreiber und Bogdan Skowronek, and the help of guest bass player Jürgen Pluta, the band returned to the studio, under direction of Conny Plank, to record album number three. The music turned out to be extremely eager and diversified. Strong electronic and progressive rock influences, melodic, nearly orchestral passages, and with „Lovers“ an enormous danceable scenehit. The future of the band looked very bright but again the cast-carousel was turning …
Parallel to that, hard working Dorothea Raukes published her solo album "Deutsche Wertarbeit", on which she used her visuell impressions of a German journey and turned them into an impressive electronic sound-world.
1981 the last tour of STREETMARK took place, where for the last two gigs guitar player Thomas Schreiber joined the band. Founding member Bernd Schreiber joined all recordings and also live concerts, as sound engineer . After finishing this tour also the head of the band, Dorothea Raukes, returned into civil life.
1990 Sky Records published "Dreams" which was a „best of“ of the last three vinyls but this remains the last sign of life from STREETMARK for long years. But nevertheless, this band has not been forgotten!!